Sigma Chi Fraternity
Lambda Eta Chapter
Friendship, Justice and Learning Bryant University, EST. May 1st, 2010.
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Fall 2024 Rush Schedule
Every brother has their story…
Ask any brother of why they joined Sigma Chi and you’ll find no two stories alike. It is truly an experience that cannot be put into words, being unique to every brother. Indeed, joining our fraternity can provide benefits such as increasing your campus involvement and adding depth to your resume but that just scrapes the surface of what Sigma Chi has to offer. Pledging Sigma Chi could be the best decision you make during your college years. So why join Sigma Chi? The benefits you can receive by joining Sigma Chi include:
The brotherhood in Sigma Chi is unparalleled in any other fraternity. It is much more than a just a four year program that concludes with college graduation. The inseparable bond of Sigma Chi is a lifelong commitment to both the ideals and the brothers of the Fraternity. Throughout your life as a Sigma Chi, you will find brothers who share your joys and success as well as provide you support when needed most. You are surrounded by a constant support system, fully sustaining the sense of togetherness. Everyone rises and falls together. The nature of our bond and the value of our experiences further strengthen our brotherhood. However, Sigma Chi does not aspire to replace relationship with family or friends outside the fraternity. Friendships formed within the fraternity compliment these existing ones with a connection that would not exist outside the Fraternal experience.
Sigma Chi’s rituals separates us from all other fraternities. The scared nature within this ritual truly empowers brothers to engender a lifelong commitment to strive to achieve true friendship, equal justice, and the fulfillment of learning as part of our responsibilities to the broader communities in which we live. By becoming a Sigma Chi, you are becoming something bigger than yourself. This longstanding tradition has been respected, valued, and protected for generations. Continuing to be part of this history and preserving our ritual means keeping everything secret, but sharing its benefits.
Enhanced Learning Experience
Academics is the most important part of your college career. Sigma Chi and traditional classes offer unique experiences which is why our fraternity bridged them together to benefit one another. We not only offer academic assistance but we also offer an avenue for collegiate men to develop an appreciation of lifelong learning in order to gain knowledge, wisdom, and character. As enduring scholars, this pursuit has brought a betterment of individuals that go beyond the classroom.
Sigma Chi awards about $2.5 million dollars each year to worthy brothers have displayed their academic excellence. Our chapter has crafted incentives and assistance including personal tutors, private study rooms, and weekly progress reports. Sigma Chi’s education system paired with our own chapter’s resources creates a learning environment designed to foster the betterment of our brotherly scholars.
Leadership Development
Sigma Chi is a self-governing organization that offers various leadership opportunities. We have different office positions, ranging in degree of responsibility, that members can take initiative to fulfill. Leading a large and diverse group of people is a significant educational experience. Handling budgets, coordinating events, delegating responsibilities, and working with facility and organizations are a few of the many responsibilities that come with holding an office position that are applicable to the corporate world. Many of these opportunities are enhanced by Greek membership or unavailable to non-Greek Members. These opportunities are available in most chapters, but Sigma Chi goes even further.
Sigma Chi strives to breed values-based leaders. In our quest to be the preeminent collegiate leadership development organization, Sigma Chi goes further than any other fraternity in leadership in development programming. Beginning with our pledge program, Sigma Chi provides numerous programs and workshops on a local, regional and international level. These programs, from Balfour Leadership Training Workshop (BLTW) to Horizons are world class programs and are superior to any other in the Greek world and are unavailable outside of Sigma Chi.
Character Growth
Sigma Chi was founded upon the character of 7 men. These courageous individuals challenged their peers in standing by their beliefs and values. We echo their integrity through education programs such as pledgeship and post-initiation training. Sigma Chi initiates men of good character and hastens their development into high-minded gentlemen. The Fraternity does not aim to supersede the already existing beliefs and values of the individuals. Sigma Chi serves as a guide, inspiration, and constant reminder for its brothers as they strive to uphold those ideals.
Sigma Chi also seeks to teach its members the importance of responsibility and appropriate conduct at all times. It is vital that brothers maintain high moral standards and conquer the temptation to make insensitive statements or irresponsible acts. This serves to improve the individual brother as well as advance the reputation of the entire Fraternity. Growing individual character develops responsible citizens with a strong moral foundation.
Service to Others
Sigma Chi acknowledges and accepts personal responsibilities to his family and to the communities in which he lives and participates and to those who are less fortunate. Sigma Chi is one of the leading fraternities in community service and fund raising. As a brother, you will find no limit to contributing your time and effort for a sound cause. We educate the importance of constantly performing selfless acts. Our active role also makes impacts on a national level. Every year, Sigma Chi chapters raise awareness and funds for the Huntsman Cancer Institute which is dedicated to finding the causes of cancer, developing new and better treatments, and preventing people from ever developing cancer. Through Derby Days, our annual campaign to raise funds for the Huntsman Cancer Institute, Sigma Chi has raised over $17.8 million dollars since 2005.
Times have changed. No longer is getting a college education good enough to make it in today’s world. It is not always about what you know but rather who you know. As a Sigma Chi, you immediately have an advantage. Being one of the largest fraternities in the world provides a valuable networking system. Every brother across North America of our fraternity is linked through a sacred bond. However, this bond does not guarantee someone to be hired on promoted based on being a Sigma Chi. It does guarantee that the alumni you meet and interact with as an undergraduate and throughout your life provide a unique opportunity for professional mentoring throughout your career.
Why Join Sigma Chi?
Q: What is Rush?
A: A student interested in Greek Life is encouraged to find out about all of the fraternities at Bryant. This process of exploration is called “rush.” There are two rush periods: fall and spring rush. Fraternities have an informal rush process through which students can visit as few or as many chapters as they choose during each semester.
Q: Who is able to Rush?
A: Males of any grade are able to partake in rush events. However, Freshmen are only allowed to receive a formal bid following Spring Rush. All other grades can receive bids during either Fall or Spring Rush.
Q: I am interested in Rushing. Do I have to commit myself to a fraternity to rush?
A: No. Rushing is a risk-free process that involves zero commitment to any fraternity. Rushing is about exploring different fraternities, meeting brothers, and learning about the values of each brotherhood to find which one is right for you.
Q: Can only freshman join a fraternity?
A: No. The Greek system in non-discriminatory and will accept members of all ages. As long as the member is an enrolled student at the university, they are eligible to join. Often times transfer students will join after their freshman year. A fraternity is a lifelong commitment and age is not a factor.
Q: How do I know which fraternity to choose?
A: Rush events give you the opportunity to discover the personalities of the four fraternities at Bryant. It is up to you to decide which chapter fits your needs best. Keep the following in mind as you visit the different fraternities:
Take your time making a decision
Keep an open mind, and get to know each individual fraternity
Look for qualities that are most important to you
Think about how you might profit from being a member of a specific fraternity, as well as how you will contribute to it
Do not let your friends choices influence your decision
Make the choice that is best for you
Q: I finished the rush process. Now what?
A: Rushing is just one phase in joining a fraternity. If interested in joining Sigma Chi Lambda Eta, you will submit an application and are required to complete an interview. Upon completion, your credentials will be reviewed by our chapter and invitations to join, known as bids, will be given out. It is ultimately up to the student to decide if they want to accept or decline a bid.